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A Few Resolutions

If you think about it, New Year’s is kind of a silly holiday – it’s no different than yesterday or the day before, yet the changing of the year has of way of sparking new hope and inspiration.  As a constant goal-setter + list maker, the start of a new year is the freshest of fresh beginnings. It’s the perfect time to reflect and think about where you’d like to grow. I’ve noticed this year that the common mindset is to set small, realistic resolutions as the whole “new year, new you” trend is very much overrated. I love this idea, and I think it encourages self-improvement throughout the year instead of just January and February. It’s healthy to constantly push yourself to be just a little bit better in the areas that matter most. Here are a few of my main goals for 2014 –>

Resolution to runRunning and I have a love/hate relationship. Although most days it feels like hate/hate. However, it is something that is extremely satisfying and gives me a huge sense of accomplishment. Last year, I participated in my first 5K. It was a total blast, and this year I plan to participate in at least four runs. (I may or may not regret this.)

Resolution to unplug.My addiction to iEverything gets a little out of control sometimes. A lot of times. I am going to make much more of an effort to put down the phone, close the laptop, and turn off the TV. We’re talkin’ being fully emerged in real-life convos and activities that don’t involve a qwerty keyboard. Nothing drastic, but even hour or so of unplugged time is very much needed.  In fact, this would be the perfect opportunity to…

Resolution to read. Read. No chargers, no glaring screen.. just me and a good old fashioned book. (Maybe a glass of wine, too). I can’t remember the last time I read for fun. High school maybe? Call me crazy, but I love the smell of books and the feeling of turning the pages. I have a goal to read at least five books this year. Any suggestions?!

Create resolution. CalligraphyAfter learning about hand lettering + calligraphy from Nicolas and Erin.. it’s was impossible not to be extremely inspired. I have been dying to try my hand at lettering. I’m extremely nervous since my drawing talent is basically non-existant, buuuut it’s worth a shot. (Above is my first crack at it.. let’s just say I will need A LOT of practice). I would also love to pick up painting again.. digital creation has become such a default. Using materials to create something with your hands can really help break down those creative blocks.

Resolution to pray the rosaryIt’s so easy to get caught up in life that we forget to step back and  and say a few prayers. I do pray every single day, but I would love to add to this by praying the rosary at least twice a week. This is something that is near and dear to my heart, and there are many wonderful reasons to do so.

How would you like to grow this year? Share in the comments below or connect with me via Twitter or Facebook!



  1. Olga says:

    You must read the following two books by Rainbow Rowell:
    1. Eleanor & Park (will make you cry, but so worth it!)
    2. Attachments (hilarious!)

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