We’re celebrating 10 years, and we owe it all to YOU! 🎉
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your constant support over the last decade. We wouldn’t be here without your loyalty and love.
Thank you for being a part of our story. We can’t wait to continue this journey with you! 💛
Take a peek at our 10 year recap here!
If you are a business owner or an aspiring business owner, here are 10 lessons I’ve learned along the way →
1. You get to define success
The world has a whole lot of ideas about what it means to be successful, but the truth is, success looks different for everyone. For some, success may mean having a large team and a huge warehouse — while I do sometimes dream of that, I also think about what that would mean in terms of time away from my family. In this season, success looks like continuing to grow my business into what God is calling it to be, providing for my family, having freedom + flexibility, and maintaining a low stress level. Once you let go of society’s standards of success and lean into what it means to you, you’ll find clarity around your goals and what you want your life to look like.
2. You get to decide what stress you want to take on
To piggyback on number one, the realization that you can do anything but you don’t have to do everything is a game changer. There are a lot of things I could do, but I’m choosing not to do – simply because I’m prioritizing peace over stress. Example 1: It would be fun to set up travel all over to set up shop at events in other cities – I have friends that do this and do it well! But holy moly it would be a lot for us. Example 2: Opening up a retail store is something I dream of doing, but right now it doesn’t quite align with my lifestyle + business goals. When you have clarity about what your goals are, it becomes much easier to make decisions!
3. God is my #1 business partner
When I let Him run the show, He provides in ways bigger than I could imagine! This business isn’t about me, it’s about glorifying Him. When you partner with the Holy Spirit to guide your decisions and keep God as your number one, in business and in life, He will direct your path towards your purpose, which leads to the ultimate goal – eternity with Him!
4. There is no perfect solution to time management + work-life balance
Time management is something that takes effort every single day. It’s important to steward our time well, especially in a world of constant distractions. There are certainly tools that can help us stay on track, but it requires energy to say no to distractions and focus on our priorities. Work-life balance looks different for everyone, as we each have our own set of circumstances. Someone who is single will have a different balance than someone who is married with little ones, or someone who is a caregiver. When I was flying solo I could easily work 12 hour days, and I loved it. With a family, that’s no longer an option – and it’s a blessing because it keeps me grounded. Work-life balance to me is simply an prioritizing what’s most important each day.
5. (Thoughtful) collaborations are key
Working with another business who aligns with yours can be an excellent strategy, when it’s done thoughtfully and in a way that’s mutually beneficial. It is important, however, to make sure the partner has your best interest in mind. Some questions to consider: Are they reliable and trustworthy? Do your business values align? How is their communication? Most importantly, do they provide the same level of customer service that you do? Who you tie your name to is extremely important. I’m thankful we’ve had opportunities to work with some incredible partners over the years, and I’m also thankful for little lessons learned along the way.
6. Comparison – don’t do it!
The comparison game is silly – especially if you’re comparing your first year to someone’s fifth year. We’re each on our own journey with our own timeline.
7. Sometimes your biggest supporters are people you’ve never met
I’ve connected with some of the kindest, most encouraging humans through Instagram + in-person events! Keep doing what you love, and you’ll find your people.
8. Relationships are everything!
Prioritize people and always provide excellent customer service – even when it means you may lose some money. By treating people right, it’ll come back to you.
9. It takes time.
We made it to year 10 with small, consistent wins over time. The internet is flooded with gurus promising to take you from 0 to seven figures overnight – and it can totally happen! We took the slow, sustainable route and I would not change a thing. Building an authentic brand that feels true to you is a journey that is always evolving.
10. You’ll never feel -ready-
It’s easy to say once this slows down, then I’ll be ready. Once I learn X, then I’ll be ready to start. Life will always be happening, so take small steps towards your goal in the middle of the messy. If you wait for things to feel settled, chances are you’ll always be waiting. If you’re unsure about something, the best way to figure it out is by taking action. You can watch all the reels and take all the courses, but make sure to implement what you learn! When you learn without taking action, it’s hard to retain what you’re taking in, and you won’t be making any progress. As long as you’re working towards something, you’re on the right track!
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