Spring Junkstock this year looked a lot more like a winter wonderland. The amount of snow we received in April was unreal.
Despite frigid temps, the people still came! One of the many things I love about this event is the loyalty Junkstockers have for supporting small businesses.
This spring marked The Anastasia Co’s ninth Junkstock – woah. Here is a look at this season’s set up! Coming up with new, creative, and easy-to-shop ways to display paper goods is a always a challenge I enjoy.
We added 14 brand new products to our collection. Find ’em at the bottom of this post and in the shop! To be in the loop on future events, be sure to follow us on Instagram and check out the Upcoming Events highlight.
New Goods
Mutual Weirdness Forever | I Remembered Your Birthday Without Social Media
Love is Patient | Where You Go I Will Go
Grace Upon Grace | Be Fearless
I Choose You Part 2 | Be Fearless Journal
Hey I’m Here for You | We Should Probably Cuddle
Love You Longer | I Can’t Wait to Marry You
Happy Birthday to My Big Spoon | You are My Favorite Everything
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[…] The crisp air, pumpkins everywhere, and vintage goodness never gets old. You may remember back in April when we had a ridiculous amount of snow. Rain replaced the snow this time — but, it was a […]